Experiences change a person in profound ways. I have been fortunate to have led an unconventional life up to this point. I don’t mean anything over the top — I didn’t join the circus or run off to start a cult — it’s just that unlike so many of my friends and contemporaries whose lives have followed a more standard path — school, job, marriage, kids (and yes, I am over-generalizing this) mine has been a bit more of a maze of twisty little passages. In my case, I waited to return to college and chose to have my daughter later in life. I didn’t plan it out precisely, but it worked out best for me. As a result, I was able to experience things I may not have been able to have done otherwise. It has also given me a unique perspective on things.
Life experiences shape the way one sees the world. Good or bad, how you choose to process those experiences matters. From some of the most painful events of my life, I have worked to find positivity. Caring for and ultimately losing my parents to cancer still carries unimaginable pain. Yet, it also led me to look more closely at my environment and lifestyle to make changes for the better.
© 2022, Angela Smith. All rights reserved.