The Rain
The rain came today, and my heart is singing ❤️

It’s like a snuggly blanket surrounding me, the air is crisp and filled with the cool clean scent of leaves and moss. Giant bay laurels surround my little house, evergreen sentinels against the harsh cold of the darkest winter. The wind blows the sweet spicy scent of the leaves as they swell with the rain.
I live in a place that is both far away, and yet still close to it all. My little house sits in a bowl at the bottom of a narrow valley, surrounded by tall hills that collect the rain as it falls from the sky. It’s a gradual thing, building over days and weeks. You can hear it when you step outside. The ceaseless trickle of the water traces its way down the steep hillsides, following the trails left by the deer the fox, and the rabbits.
It evolves over time. The trickle turns into a stream. The stream builds into a creek. The water races down from one end of the little valley to the other. It makes a brief pause halfway down, filling a pond ringed by trees. Lazily swirling the fallen leaves, raindrops dancing across the surface.

The water finds its way out eventually. Squeezing into the narrow channel that cuts along the side of the hill. Deep and straight the water skips beside me as I walk the path. Foaming as it rushes into waterfalls, playing out its dreams of becoming white water rapids. My heart lifts to hear it’s song.
I love the sound of raindrops falling on the roof, as I sit warm and dry inside. I love the feel of the raindrops on my skin as I turn my face up to the sky. It washes the world clean. It washes the pain from my soul.
© 2024, Angela Smith. All rights reserved.